Movement Orders

In the Orders section are several orders that enable your units to move in different ways: Advance, Assign, Follow, Link, Move, Pursue, and Travel. These are explained briefly here; see the Order Descriptions for more details. Remember that these orders apply to armies, leaders, and Avatars. Items may be attached to units with the Assign order.

Advance: With this order you can tell one of your units to move to up to four specific hexagons, without detailing the path the unit is to take between the hexagons. The unit moves along the lowest MP cost path, moving through the hexagons in the order they were written. The indicated hexagons can be as far apart as you want (though they do have to be on the map). This order can be used to send a force to explore several specific hexagons or have a force patrol the perimeter of your realm.

Assign: Giving this order to one of your items or units attaches it to a destination unit. You may assign an item (but not a unit) to a unit loyal to another realm. They both must be in the same hexagon for the order to complete. If the destination unit is not in the hexagon when the order is given, then the item or unit waits for the unit to pass through and attaches the moment it enters. Any number of items and units can be assigned to the same unit.

Follow: Giving this order to one of your units commands it to follow a destination unit. You many not order one of your units to follow a unit loyal to another realm (see Pursue). Once a unit is attached to another, you only have to give movement orders to the leading unit; all units that follow the leading unit move with it. This saves a lot of order writing. If a unit is ordered to follow a unit that is in the same hexagon, then the unit attaches itself to the leading unit immediately. Otherwise the ordered unit tries to move along an interception course and join up with its leading unit as soon as possible.

Any number of units can follow the same leading unit. A leading unit can itself be ordered to follow another leading unit. A leading unit with attached units moves no faster than the slowest unit in its force (but all movement bonuses for all units in the force are added to this base movement). Avatars will not follow other units, but other units can be told to follow Avatars.

Link: This order is usually given to a community. Any units produced in this community that are not garrisons move toward the community indicated in the Link order. These units take the path of least resistance (hexagons of lowest MP cost) when moving. If the destination community has a movement order, the linked unit then receives that order and continues moving. This order is very useful for automatically moving units produced in the interior of your realm to the frontier where the need for them is greatest.

Move: This order tells a unit to follow a specific path of directions. You might order the unit to move northeast, then east, then southeast, then east, then northeast. This order is used to specify the path a unit takes when going between two points. It can also be used to have a unit continuously patrol a certain sector of your realm, guarding against invasion.

Pursue: Giving this order to one of your units commands it to pursue another unit, but not actually link up with it. This is most useful when you want to track down and attack an enemy unit or travel along side an ally's force. Pursuing an owned or allied force will always succeed. When pursing an unallied force, the force will have a greater chance of success if it contains an unit or item that has an information radius of 1 or more (Master Thief, Crystal Ball, Avatar, etc.). Success in this case is also dependent on the location and distance to the pursued force. A pursued force that is far away from your realm might never be sighted. And if it is not sighted, your pursing force will not know where to go.

Travel: With this order you can tell one of your units to move to up to four specific communities, without detailing the path the unit is to take between the communities. The unit takes the lowest MP cost path to reach the community.

A unit given a movement order continues to follow it, no matter how many turns it takes to complete, until it reaches its destination, receives new orders, is defeated in combat, or is slain. Being defeated in combat cancels continued movement and standing movement orders for the defeated units. Assign and Follow orders will be canceled if the destination unit is slain. Pursue orders will be canceled if the dead remains of the pursued unit are discovered.

Even though the Advance, Assign, Follow, Link, Move, Pursue, and Travel orders are intended for units, items and Avatars, any of them can be issued to a community. Once issued, a community movement order will remain, turn after turn, until changed or canceled. All units (and items for Assign) built thereafter at that community will be issued whichever order was given to the community. See the Order Descriptions for more details.

Note that only the Move order requires you to indicate the specific path a unit follows. The Advance, Follow, Link, Pursue, and Travel orders all automatically choose the lowest-movement cost path for you.

If you observe an unallied force in a hexagon, that hexagon is declared Hostile. Forces with Advance, Follow, Link, Pursue, and Travel orders will tend to avoid hostile hexagons so that they may reach their destination without encounter. Exploring forces will be more reluctant than conflicting forces to enter a hostile hexagon. If a hostile hexagon is later observed to be enemy free, it will no longer be hostile. If at the end of the turn, a hostile hexagon is owned by an ally, it will no longer be hostile.

Forces that are within the information radius of loyal communities and groups after movement will appear on your map as an F. Hostile hexagons appear with an H on your map. The hostility of a hexagon within your information range will be updated after movement. Nearby allied hexagons appear with an A on your map.

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