Winning the Campaign
War of the Avatars can be won either by a single player or by a group of
players who are in a formal alliance (via the
order). The victory conditions are as follows:
Single Player: To be declared Lord of the Savage Frontier, a player must
fulfill any one of the following conditions at the end of a turn:
- Control somewhere between 25% and 50% of the total gold
production of all communities on the map. The exact amount
needed to win varies from campaign to campaign and is not
disclosed to the players until the campaign is over.
- Control between 25% and 50% (around 1,100 to 2,200) of the
non-sea hexagons on the map. As above, the exact amount needed
varies and is an unknown factor in each game.
- Have the sole surviving Avatar after turn 40.
- Bring both of the
Tablets of Fate
to the Right Place at the
Right Time. The Right Place and Time are different in each
game. The exact details for your game are learned only by
researching a Tablet of Fate. You need the id of a tablet to
be able to research it.
Alliance: To be declared Lords of the Savage Frontier, an allied group of
players must fulfill any one of the following conditions at the end of a turn:
- Alliance members control between 50% and 75% of the total
gold production of all communities on the map.
- Alliance members control between 50% and 75% (around 2,200
to 3,300) of the non-sea hexagons on the map.
- Alliance members have the sole surviving Avatars after turn 40.
- Bring one of the Tablets of Fate to the Right Place at the
Right Time while your ally does the same with the other Tablet.
Only the two players with the tablets share the allied victory
using this method.
The campaign ends when any of the above victory conditions are fulfilled at the
end of a turn. Note that since realms with Avatars of opposing alignments
cannot be allied (and are automatically issued an
order if they are allied), a winning alliance will never contain Avatars of incompatible
Reality Simulations, Inc.
P.O. Box 22400 Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 967-7979 fax (480) 894-2028 |
internet: RSI@reality.com