Submitting Orders

Please make sure that you print legibly on your order sheets! If your printing is not legible, we will do our best to interpret it, but we cannot guarantee that your orders will go through as you planned. If you want to make sure that your orders are carried out properly, please print neatly!

If you are e-mailing your turns, send them to and be sure to include your authentication code, name, account number, game number, realm number, and turn number.

If you fax in your turn make sure to write your orders in dark pen, pencil can be illegible. Our fax number is (480) 894-2028.

If you have the option to fax a turn in or phone it in, RSI charges less for a fax, a fax is also less error prone and more timely. If you must phone in a turn (602-966-7698), here are some tips:

  1. Slow down, a real person must interpret you.
  2. Say the order number first.
  3. Say "Unit", not "U"
  4. Say "Item" not "I"
  5. Say "Community" not "C"
  6. Say "Community Type" not "CT"
  7. Say "Realm" not "R"
  8. Say "Unit Type" not "UT"
  9. Say "Item Type" not "IT"
  10. Say "Avatar" not "A"
  11. Say "Avatar Type" not "AT"
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Reality Simulations, Inc.
P.O. Box 22400 Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 967-7979 fax (480) 894-2028