There are three main elements of play in Hyborian War:
characters, and
provinces. Your armies will consist of combinations of various types of
troops led by certain characters as they occupy provinces. Troops are army or
naval units consisting of three to five thousand warriors. Characters are
unique individuals who may lead armies or perform missions of great
consequence to your kingdom by means of heroism, intrigue, diplomacy, and
magic. Provinces are areas in the Hyborian World capable of providing
economic resources and troops. Your kingdom starts with a given number of
provinces. Much of your effort will be directed to gaining control over
additional provinces. Your kingdom enters the Hyborian Age with particular
strengths and weaknesses, derived from the nature of the troops, characters,
and provinces you open play with. Your challenge will be to make the most of
your strengths, while discovering and exploiting the weaknesses of your
Reality Simulations, Inc.
P.O. Box 22400 Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 967-7979 fax (480) 894-2028 |
internet: RSI@reality.com