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GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS AND MOVEMENTMove Character: This order will cause a character to change his permanent residence to a different province. characters that are not assigned to an army will always return to the province where their permanent residence is located after performing whatever actions they are assigned on a given turn. A character may move to any province under the control of your kingdom. Note that all move orders take place after the assassination, kidnapping and dispel magic attempts are made on a given turn. Example: I DECLARE (character ID) (M)ove to (P)rovince (XYZ) Raise Troop: You may raise new troops on any turn that you wish. Newly-formed Troops will appear at your capital province on the following turn for assignment (see General Assignments and Movement Commands). You may attempt to form any number of troops on the same turn, however, the more troops that you attempt to raise on the same turn, the harder it becomes. Your Adjutant-General will attempt to recruit, train, and outfit as many soldiers as he can to form the number of troops that you order. If he is unsuccessful he will inform you of the total that he was able to form on the following turn. Note also the limitations on the percentage of each type of troop you can have in your armies as listed in your Kingdom Report. You must keep a minimum percentage, as well as no more than a set maximum percentage of each troop type among your forces. You will only need to write a separate order for each different type of troop that you order. Just as you may form new troops, some Kingdoms may also hire mercenaries (see your Kingdom Report) within the above mentioned limitations. Mercenaries cost you nothing to form but they cost about four times as much to maintain as do other troops. Two things should be kept in mind whenever you are raising troops. Firstly, your Adjutant-General will always attempt to keep the troops of your nation in keeping with the minimum and maximum percentages of each troop type for your kingdom. Thus if you order 10 troops of Type 1 but 0 troops of Type 2 you might well end up with 9 troops of Type 1 and 1 troop of Type 2 if this will keep your kingdom's military in adherance to the minimums and maximums. The second thing to keep in mind is that all troops are raised in order of priority as they are listed on your command sheet. If you order more troops than your kingdom can raise, your Adjutant-General will attempt to raise the first listed troop type first, the second listed troop type second, etc. No troop may ever participate in battle on the same turn in which it is raised or conscripted. Thus newly raised or conscripted troops will not defend a kingdom's capital if it is attacked on the same turn. If the capital falls the troops will appear at the site of the kingdom's new capital. I DECLARE (number of troop units) (T)roops of (Troop type number) (R)aised Example: I DECLARE (4) (T)roops of (type M7) (R)aised Conscript Provincial Troops: Provinces levy provincial troops for purposes of their own defense and to maintain order within the province's own territorial borders. Provincial troops normally may be brought into the ranks of an imperial army only when an imperial army occupies the province and is engaging in an invasion of an adjacent province. It is possible, however, for the central government to DEMAND that troops be sent from the provinces to the capital in order to swell the overall strength of the kingdom's armies. The "Conscript Provincial Troops" declaration orders the specified province to send all of its available provincial troops to the capital in order to await re-assignment elsewhere on the following turn. The declaration is most useful for removing large troop reserves from provinces in the interior i.e. those provinces which have little likelihood of coming under attack. This action is potentially damaging to the relationship between a province and the throne and may even result in a serious disaster such as provincial revolt. In the Hyborian Age the relationship between the provinces and the central government is often tenuous. The success of a conscript declaration will therefore depend in large measure upon the ability of a kingdom's monarch as well as the ability of that character's direct subordinate, the provincial ruler. (Ideally, a provincial ruler will attempt to implement your orders smoothly with the minimum of disturbance in the province which that character has been given to govern.) The more successful your conscription is, the more provincial troops will be sent to your capital. If the conscription is unsuccessful, the troops will remain in the provincial army, or, worse, rout and disappear. Troops may not be conscripted from provinces on the same turn in which the province is the site of a set piece battle. Seazone navies may be conscripted from a seazone to the imperial harbor by using this declaration. In fact, the conscript troops declaration is the only manner in which naval troops attached to a seazone navy may be moved from out of a seazone (excepting raids). Examples: I DECLARE (C)onscript (T)roops from province (XYZ) I DECLARE (C) (T) (123) Disband Mercenaries: The advantage of mercenaries is that you can disband them when you don't need them anymore. Disbanded mercenaries will leave your kingdom to find employment elsewhere. On the turn in which an imperial army is engaged in set piece battle it may not disband mercenaries. The effect of the declaration is to disband all mercenaries of a specified type from a specified army. Format: I DECLARE (troop type #) (D)isbanded from (army ID) Example:
Detach Troops from Army: On any turn you may detach troop units from those of your imperial armies that you wish to. The units detached will become provincial army troops in the province where the detaching imperial army begins the turn. If no provincial army exists at the time that the "Detach Troop" declaration is issued, as with newly conquered provinces, then the troops will be considered to be the beginning of a new provincial army in that province. Only an imperial army may issue a "Detach Troop" declaration. Each imperial army may only issue one detach troop order per turn. Imperial navies may not detach troops while occupying a coastland province. The order is the same for both regular troops and mercenary troops. On the turn in which an imperial army is engaged in set piece battle it may not detach troops. Provincial armies may not detach under any circumstances. Example: I DECLARE (number of Troop units) of (Troop type number) (D)etached from (army ID) Change army Status: On any turn you wish, you may order an imperial army to change its status from either active or defensive. All armies will undergo a one-turn period of transition before achieving their new status. The order is the same regardless of which status your army is changing to. An active imperial army which has been ordered to raid, invade, or is engaged in set piece battle can not be ordered to change status on the same turn. A defensive imperial army can always be ordered to change status. Example: I DECLARE (C)hange (S)tatus (army ID) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()